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Business this week Apr 12th 2017 The chief executive of Barclays, Jes Staley,...

  Business this week


  Apr 12th 2017

  The chief executive of Barclays, Jes Staley, was rapped forattempting to uncover the identity of a whistle-blower who had written anonymous letters raising concerns about a senior executive at the British bank. Regulators are investigating Mr Staley for breaking rules that protect whistle-blowers. The bank’s board has concluded that he “honestly, but mistakenly” believed his actions were permissible, but issued Mr Staley with a formal reprimand and said he would take a significant pay cut.


  rap for~ sb / sth (for sth / for doing sth) (used mainly in newspapers 主要用于报章) to criticize sb severely, usually publicly (公开地)严厉批评,严加指责:

  Some of the teachers were rapped for poor performance.一些老师因为表现糟糕而受到严厉批评。


  Religious practices are permissible under the Constitution.宪法允许进行宗教活动。

  Pay cut工资削减

  The key measures for " cutting expenditure " proposed by the financial secretary today included reducing the establishment of the civil service by 10 % , reducing the social security payment by 11 % , and a 6 % pay - cut for civil servants implemented in different phase.财政司司长今日提出既开源节流建议既节流部份,主要包括减少公务员编制10 % 、社会保障援助金下调11 % 、及公务员分阶段减薪6 % 。

  A report for the board of Wells Fargointo the account mis-selling scandalthat engulfed the American bank last year heavily criticised its former chief executive, John Stumpf, and its former head of retail banking. The report also blamed the bank’s decentralisedmanagement structure.

  Wells Fargo美国富国银行

  mis-selling scandalThe scandal surrounding the opening of fake accounts at Wells Fargo illustrates a deeper dysfunction in the governance of U.S. companies: Corporate boards are failing at their job of overseeing management. If regulators can’t address the problem, shareholders can and should. Details:



  Decentralisede前缀,表示否定; 词根center 中心的, 即 “不集中的,分散的”

  Formal notice

  The Bank of England asked all firms with cross-border activities between Britain and the EU to detailtheir contingencyplans following Brexit. Hoping to mitigatethe risk to financial stability, Mark Carney, the bank’s governor, highlighted the fact that financial servicesare Britain’s most important export, with a trade surplus of £60bn ($75bn).

  Detail V.

  1. to give a list of facts or all the available information about sth详细列举;详细说明;详述:

  The brochure details all the hotels in the area and their facilities.这本小册子详细介绍了当地所有旅馆及其设施。

  2. to give an official order to sb, especially a soldier, to do a particular task派遣;选派;分遣:

  Several of the men were detailed to form a search party.几名士兵被派组成一个搜索队。

  3. to clean a car extremely thoroughly彻底清洗(汽车):

  He got work for a while detailing cars.他找到一个清洗汽车的临时工作。

  Contingencyan event that may or may not happen 可能发生的事;偶发(或不测、意外)事件

  We must consider all possible contingencies. 突发:法国队遭意外失利,丢掉领先地位我们必须考虑一切可能发生的事。

  Mitigateto make sth less harmful, serious, etc. 减轻;缓和

  Soil erosion was mitigated by the planting of trees.植树造林减轻了土壤侵蚀。

  financial services 金融服务,指有关金融交易或财务管理有关的服务或商业活动。金融服务业,即提供金融服务的企业或机构,概括银行、保险、投资、证券等领域。

  Toshibafiled an unaudited version of its twice-delayed quarterly accounts, after failing to get auditors to approve the books. The troubled Japanese conglomerate issued a warning about its “ability to continue as a going concern”. Its nuclear power-plant business, Westinghouse, recently filed forbankruptcy. One way it hopes to survive is by selling its semiconductor division, which Foxconn, a Taiwanese electronics contract manufacturer, has reportedly offered to buy for $27bn.

  Toshiba东芝, 日本最大的半导体制造商。2015年,启业爆发涉及高达16亿美元的会计造假案件,主要为来自芯片及半导体部门的虚假营收,该公司决定更换半数管理层次结构。

  Westinghouse西屋电气(Westinghouse Electric)是美国著名的电气设备公司。它于1886年由乔治·威斯汀豪斯(George Westinghouse)在美国宾夕法尼亚州创立。总部设在宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡市。1889年时曾改名西屋电工制造公司(Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Company),1945年10月改用现名。该公司于1995年购买了哥伦比亚广播公司。1999年被威亚康姆合并。西屋核电事业被卖给英国BNFL公司,2007年又转卖给日本东芝。2017年2月18日东芝以1.57亿美元(约12.25亿港元)收购日本基础建设公司IHI持有的西屋公司3%股权,持股量上升至90%,哈萨克斯坦国家原子能公司Kazatomprom持有10%。2017年3月28日,西屋公司声请破产保护。

  File for申请

  filed for bankruptcy 申请破产保护

  Foxconn富智康集团有限公司(英语:FIH Mobile Limited,简称富智康集团或富智康),前身为“富士康国际控股有限公司”(英语:Foxconn,港交所:2038),是鸿海集团的子公司,香港上市公司,主营业务为手机代工,客户包括有华为、诺基亚、联想、苹果公司、魅族、三星电子、中兴通讯,小米以及其他大量知名中国大陆的本土手机企业。

  Teslabriefly overtook General Motorsin terms of market capitalisation, meaning that for the first time, America’s most valuable carmaker was not based in Detroit.

  Tesla特斯拉,美国最大的电动车及能源公司,产销电动车,太阳能板,及储能设备。最初由艾博哈德(Martin Eberhard)和塔本宁(Marc Tarpenning)于2003年7月1日所创办,工程师莱特(Ian Wright)加入成为公司的第3号员工,不久之后伊隆·马斯克投资该公司并成为特斯拉最大股东及董事长,伊隆·马斯克再找来史特劳贝尔(JB Straubel)而组成公司早期的团队。同时该公司也是世界上最早上路的自动驾驶汽车生产商,并利用这些道路经验来改进产品,开发基于神经元网络的自驾人工智能。2016年11月17日特斯拉电动车收购美国太阳能发电系统供应商SolarCity,将使特斯拉转型成为全球唯一垂直整合的能源公司,向客户提供端到端的清洁能源产品。2017年2月,特斯拉汽车亦正式更名为特斯拉(Tesla Inc.),进一步把电动车业务,拓展到住宅及商业太阳能蓄电系统领域,打造为清洁能源企业。


  General Motors通用汽车(简称为GM),是一家美国的汽车制造公司。旗下拥有雪佛兰、别克、GMC、凯迪拉克、宝骏、霍顿、及吉优等品牌。其中雪佛兰和GMC事业部制造卡车与载客用轿车,其它的品牌如ACDelco独立成德尔福汽车零件,1997年旗下的休斯飞机公司则转卖给雷神公司等等。2004年将奥斯摩比品牌退休。2009年因为破产危机,庞蒂克、土星、悍马被宣布取消品牌,萨博被出售。通用汽车电动车事业部还生产电柴混合动力车。通用的总部在密歇根州的底特律市,另外厂房遍布美国30州和世界32个国家。

  Detroit底特律, 美国密歇根州最大的城市,也是韦恩县的县治所在。1701年由法国毛皮商建立,是位于美国中东部,加拿大温莎以北、底特律河沿岸的一座重要的港口城市、世界传统汽车中心以及音乐之都。城市得名于连接圣克莱尔湖和伊利湖的底特律河。








